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Yorkshire EDL Goole Division

Yorkshire EDL Goole Division

We will protest against militant islam on British soil, Any act of muslim extremism will now be countered by the EDL.We are a non racist organisation.Also we believe sharia law has no place in western society and we will highlight this at our protests.The Burkha is a divisive item of clothing that doesnt fit into english society and the building of mosques should be halted due to the government's open door immigration policy until they know who is in the country.Our arguement is not against normal muslim people but extremists preaching hate on our streets/harbouring terrorists and encouraging the formation of an islamic state within our shores. Despite constant bad press claiming we are racist this is completely inaccurate, We have white and black members and support from the indian/chinese communities also and have no affiliation to any political partys. We need to promote EDL through out Yorkshire and make our divisions strong and full of lads that are dedicated. We also need to get as much publicity out about demo's in our area ie leafleting, banners, videos, any ideas welcome. Please don't not post anything racist but feel free to ask questions or have a rant our admin will always give you a straight honest answer. We are fighting for our freedoms and one of them its our freedom of speech, so we will not be banning people for having an opinion even if its different from ours. Also we are fighting radical Islam and not each other so please keep any personally arguments off the wall, Finally I'd like to welcome you to the group, we all have a part to play in this and everyone of us is important and no one is better than anyone else. We are all good at something and we all do what we can whether it be alot or a little it all helps and we only ask you try your best, we are all human and we will make mistakes the trick is to learn from them.