Business and Personal web pages from United Kingdom (UK) Search result

Musical Moments - Early Years

Musical Moments - Early Years

Musical Moments - Early Years classes for Babies and Toddlers, plus the chance to bond with other Mums and Babies. Every Friday morning at Astbury Village Hall Baby Class (Newborn - 12 Months/Toddling) 10am - 10.30am Toddler Class (12 Months/Toddling - 3 Years) 10.30am - 11am Classes are only £3 each, discount for parents with siblings or twins, £4 for both. We also run classes at JJ's Sensory Play Centre in Macclesfield. Every Wednesday morning - classes are just £2.50 which also includes a discounted entry to JJ's Baby Class (Newborn - 12 Months/Toddling) 10am - 10.30am Toddler Class (12 Months/Toddling - 3 Years) 10.35am - 11.05am On Thursdays we also run preschool classes at the Coppice Club at Smallwood School. Classes are at 9.45am til 10.45am and are £2.50 each. Please call the club on 01477 500089 for more information. Classes are run by Beckie - please message us for any more information!
Stepping Stones Pre-School

Stepping Stones Pre-School

New street, Congleton ,
Stepping Stones Pre-School first opened its doors in January 1993 in a mobile classroom in the grounds of Daven Primary School. In November 2009 we moved to a larger premises next door to the Congleton Children's Centre. We now benefit from an extensive outdoor play facility with a large sand pit and soft play area. our all weather canopy allows year round outdoor play, come rain or shine. ~ We offer the children a warm, safe and stimulating environment where they will be treated with kindness, patience and courtesy. Children will learn new skills and knowledge through play, and are encouraged to develop social skills, imagination, creativity and independence. ~ We have close ties with both Congleton Children's Centre and Daven Primary School. We regularly visit the school for infant Assemblies story times with the reception class and other activities that can involve our pre-school children. This we know gives the children confidence and reduces their fears of facing a larger school in the future. ~ We open five days a week during term time and since January 2010 we have offered "lunch clubs". ~ All Stepping Stones Pre-School sessions run in line with Daven Primary School terms and holidays.
Cheshire Cat Car Club

Cheshire Cat Car Club

Radio Controlled model car club based in Congleton, Cheshire.
Lisa Bardell Coaching - NLP Coaching & Therapy, Clinical Hypnotherapy

Lisa Bardell Coaching - NLP Coaching & Therapy, Clinical Hypnotherapy

Complementary & Alternative Medical Centre, 9 West Street, Cheshire, Congleton ,
Lisa Bardell BSc ( Hons ) Psychology, Dip NLP Coach Clin Hyp Licentiate member of The British Institute of Hypnotherapy & NLP Complementary & Natural Healthcare Council ( NHS & Medical Referrals ) Professional Guild of NLP Commissioning GP ( NHS & Medical Referrals ) I work with a diverse group of clients to help them to change their thinking, and ultimately to change their lives in areas where they feel stuck, unhappy or unfulfilled. I design every aspect of my approach to be bespoke to you, fully focussed on the results you want, by working with a powerful and unique combination of tools which help you unlock your true potential, gain control of your life, let go of what holds you back, and begin living a life you love. What my Clients say about their Results... Anxiety, Fear & Depression: "I was in the grips of a breakdown following a couple of years of stress, depression and anxiety. My relationship ended and I lost my career. I realized I wasn’t coping; I would go to sleep not caring if I woke up. I couldn’t eat, sleep or stop crying and I stopped talking to friends. Panic attacks eventually kept me indoors. I felt worthless. I had tried other therapy but felt it wasn’t working. I knew I needed to do something quickly. I have really felt the benefits of Lisa’s work with me. Even after a couple of sessions I began feeling stronger, coping better and seeing friends. My family have commented how much I’ve improved, I am now laughing, smiling and positive! The biggest changes have come in accepting the end of my relationship, and finally being able to move on. I have developed a new perspective on life, I feel like a new door has opened, and I’m ready to take and make new opportunities. Without Lisa’s help I would not be in this position. The techniques she uses have a real impact on your everyday life, the way you think and feel. If they can work for me, in the state I was in, and the challenges I was facing, then they can work for anyone!" Diane - Stoke "Following a traumatic childhood involving domestic violence and mental abuse, I had issues which affected me, and my relationships for 27 years. Mainly constant anxiety, thinking of a thousand things at once. I also suffered low self-esteem and confidence, feeling afraid all the time. I found I could not concentrate, relax, or communicate my feeling to others. I also felt a great deal of responsibility for the happiness of my mother, which affected my sense of freedom to live my own life. In the past I had tried Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and counselling via a GP referral. Nothing had a lasting effect, once out of the session, my normal thinking resumed. After working with Lisa using NLP Therapy, I really got the results I was hoping for. For the first time I have noticed a significant improvement in my thinking and behaviours. Even after just one session I felt more focused and able to concentrate. Several sessions later I feel a lot more positive and confident. I now have the ability to speak to my mother more directly and feel less responsible for her happiness. I feel far more comfortable expressing my views and opinions without fear. The biggest difference is in how I am more relaxed and able to concentrate on one thing at a time….this has transformed in my leisure time, and given me lots to look forward to. Lisa is exceptionally professional with a very friendly and approachable style, I felt totally at ease working with her and would thoroughly recommend her. Many thanks Lisa for all your help." Kirsty, Civil Servant - Staffordshire "I had struggled for years with a lack of motivation and focus, which caused me a lot of depression and anxiety. I found Lisa’s approach to be very person centred, offering many positive concepts to embrace. After one session, the changes in my motivation were noticeable to colleagues and family alike. Following several more sessions I felt I understood myself more deeply, but I also left the sessions with clear strategies which enabled me to overcome the areas where I was having difficulty and to really promote my strengths of character. The results have been incredibly beneficial. Instead of feeling defeated and overwhelmed all of the time, I feel capable of managing challenging situations. This change is keeping me focussed and totally motivated. I have worked on manageable chunks with Lisa, but feel confident to implement my new abilities into every area of my life over the coming months, and I’m very excited about what I can achieve. I would highly recommend Lisa to anyone who is ready to implement new ways of thinking in to their lives." Hannah, Specialist College Assistant - Stoke "Working with Lisa helped me to overcome my panic attacks and anxiety. For 3 years even the most ordinary task felt like a mountain to climb. I struggled to hold down a job, stopped going out and found it impossible to relax or enjoy life. I felt hopeless and believed this would be all life had in store for me. Lisa led me to find my own answers in my own way, and I located the reasons behind my feelings and behaviours. After 5 sessions I feel totally different, and this has already had a positive impact on my life. I'm positive, excited about getting my life on track and for once, I`m looking forward to the future." Michael - Newcastle-under-Lyme "Before NLP and hypnotherapy with Lisa my life was problematic. I suffered anxiety and depression: I lacked confidence and constantly worried about social situations to the point that I would get heart palpitations and chest pains. I had no job and no motivation or focus. Part of this was due to an unsettled home life in my childhood. During my sessions I realised I hadn't felt confident to form my own identity and I really got down to the roots of my problems. The sessions were very warm, welcoming and understanding. They helped me overcome issues I faced daily and had had for several years. My life has completely changed since the therapy, it`s become a lot more positive. Now I feel stress-free, happy and confident to face daily issues. I'm more comfortable around people and can create proper boundaries so it`s not all about pleasing people all the time. I feel a lot more motivated and focused on the future and I'm now starting a new job. My physical symptoms of heart palpitations and chest pains have also completely gone, and that is way beyond what I expected. I am thankful I contacted Lisa when I did. It has been a blessing at such a pivotal point in my life." Connor, Auxiliary Nurse - Newcastle-under-Lyme "NLP Therapy really worked for me. The sessions were unlike any therapy I`ve had before and as a result I've made incredible progress with my phobia issues for the first time in 20 years. I now feel confident and relaxed when faced by my old fears. I have also seen the great results in my Business, and in my home life. I`m much more positive since working with Lisa, she has a warm and friendly approach and I would thoroughly recommend her." Dean, Music Teacher - Cheshire "I felt very comfortable and relaxed with Lisa as a practitioner. I found her to be very patient, knowledgeable and felt she really went the extra mile to understand my issues in their entirety before working/coming to a solution I have seen other practitioners over the years but I found the techniques Lisa used to be revolutionary. I have now overcome issues I had been holding on to for years! Thank you Lisa." Michael, IT Consultant - London Weight Loss: "I went to see Lisa for Weight Issues. My eating habits were getting worse: eating even when full, going overboard with sweet treats during strong cravings. Nothing was a sin and I hated myself for it. I was self-destructing. I was sceptical of hypnotherapy and NLP, but I was so unhappy with my weight and my relationship to food I wanted to get help. Even after my first meeting I found it easy to decline pudding. After 4 sessions I noticed more changes in myself, especially around mealtimes and my attitude towards food. Snacks were no longer a packet of biscuits or a family size chocolate bar but now just 1 or 2 biscuits or squares of chocolate. My portion size at mealtimes was also smaller, and I was leaving food on the plate, something I hadn't done in years! I also felt different on the inside, at an emotional level, my inner confidence in my looks and my abilities grew! The sessions help you make long term lasting change so it feels part of you and natural. I achieved everything I set out to achieve, and more…And the sceptic is well and truly convinced!!" Joanne, Photographer - Cannock "My goal was weight loss, and to change my relationship with food. I found myself just eating for the sake of eating, and once I started I didn’t know how to stop. I wanted to have more self control, eat healthy portions and feel free to focus on other things outside of mealtimes. The first session with Lisa gave an instant sense of relief, and found I was thinking differently about food and snacking. In fact, more importantly I wasn’t thinking about food at all unless I was hungry! When I did eat, I knew when I was full and stopping at that point was easy. I was delighted with the result, which was consolidated after a couple more sessions. I would thoroughly recommend Lisa to anyone looking to address their unhealthy relationship with food." Christine, Psychiatric Nurse - London "After about ten years of crash diets and binges I really felt I needed to get a grip on my relationship with food. I was binging on chocolate and cakes, and was not able to keep weight off. I was plagued by constant thoughts of food and my weight. I'm so pleased I made contact with Lisa. She is not only highly professional, but friendly too. She makes things understandable and easy. After five sessions and I can honestly say it has changed my life!! The sweet cravings have completely disappeared, my portion sizes have decreased, I’m eating a balanced healthy diet. In a few weeks I lost half a stone easily. Because there is no battle of willpower, and I’m not on a crash diet, it feels part of the way I am now, and completely sustainable for the first time in my life." Sarah, Optician - London "I approached Lisa because I wanted to lose weight, I had been putting on weight for a couple of years, mostly because I had some health issues which resulted in me having no energy, so I was spending a lot of time sleeping or resting. We worked on the lack of energy, and I was amazed how quickly that was resoled. Lisa then worked with me on my portion size and cravings for sugary food, as I was consuming at least 1000 calories per day in sugary desserts and cakes alone, in addition to my main food. I had very strong cravings for sweets, several times a day - I would battle with them for half an hour, maybe an hour, but eventually they would get so strong I would have to give in. I found it hard to imagine being any different as I had always eaten lots of sugary foods since I was a child. Within the first week my diet totally changed, I cut out almost all of the sweet food I used to eat, and some of it tasted far too sweet to eat. I felt committed to the healthy choices we talked about in the sessions, motivated to stick to the plan, but most of all, those cravings were a thing of the past. I felt that we resolved the true issues behind the cravings. Of course, the main result is that 6 weeks later I've lost the weight easily, as my calorie intake is down by about half, still more to go for me to me at my target weight, but I feel I`m on the right track. I also feel like my whole system is balancing now that I`ve de-toxed from all of that sugar, and my body will continue to find the right equilibrium, the same way it did after we worked on my long standing energy issues." Lucyna, Interpreter - London Coaching: "I’m a huge fan of Lisa Bardell Coaching. Lisa has helped me to clarify situations that were seemingly impossible, to find ways to resolve business dramas and issues with minimum shockwaves. More importantly she facilitated forward motion in my personal life when I felt I was a fly caught in amber. Lisa is one of the most professional practitioners that I have had the pleasure of working with, always approachable, understanding and empathetic. I look forward to each session, they are revelatory but also easy to make use of in your day to day life. I cannot recommend Lisa highly enough. Every second is time well spent!" Paulette, Music Producer - Spain "I can say without hesitation that contacting Lisa was one of the best things I've done so far on my quest for personal development. I immediately felt at ease with Lisa and she made a positive impact on my life, for which I'm really grateful. I would recommend her highly. She helped me to transform some of my thought processes, making a big difference in both my private and professional life in a short space of time. For anyone who has previously attended therapy sessions of any kind, you will soon realize that Lisa is extremely good at what she does." Kevin, IT Manager - London "When I initially went to see Lisa I was a sceptic! I’m a musician and I wanted to get rid of the feeling of self-doubt when I was playing at gigs. A few weeks after our sessions, I was able to enjoy playing at gigs, feeling confident and free of nerves. This was a fantastic result for me in a very short space of time." Ed, Musician - London "When I first started working with Lisa I felt an instant rapport, despite being a middle aged lawyer who often finds it difficult to talk about feelings! The sessions made a huge difference to my life and wellbeing. Lisa really cares about helping you to find a way forward. It has been a great privilege to have worked with Lisa and I will always be grateful to her for the hugely positive impact she has had on my life." Keith, Lawyer - London "I was struggling with one of my 'A' level subjects. With Lisa's help I was able to change my belief about my ability. I was much more focused, getting on with revision instead of stressing and doubting myself...I began to contribute more in class. My tutors noticed the difference and I got an A in my mock exam. I'm so much more confident now." Christy, Student - Maidenhead "I am so grateful to Lisa for helping me over my relationship issues with my stepchildren. She is professional yet sensitive. Through her expert guidance, I saw for myself what was happening for me. Lisa gently untangled my situation and moved me forward. It was and continues to be, utterly liberating!! I had been stuck for 10 years, where other practitioners had failed Lisa fixed me in a couple of hours! Her attention to detail is second to none, always flexible. She is intuitive with a great sense of humour. If you are having difficulties in your life, she will enable you to make great change, great choices and have a great life! Thank you, Lisa." Renira, Artist - Horsham Health, Energy & Wellness: "Lisa is warm and supportive but above all effective! I have had amazing results with my Migraines, since the day we worked on them I have not had a single one for 6 months, and previously I used to get at least one a month. I have no hesitation in recommending Lisa." Helen, Hypnotherapist - Iver "I used to sleep too much and rest a lot, and still felt tired all the time. I found it impossible to get up early in the morning or even wake up without several alarm clocks... Things to do were piling up, housework was neglected and I had no energy to deal with all that. My job was suffering most - I am self-employed and found myself cutting down the work hours more and more! I was in bed or on the sofa for most of the time... Working on this with Lisa completely changed my life after only a couple of sessions. Six months later I cannot quite believe it! I am awake before the alarm clock, I get up early in the morning and I feel well rested. I have both physical and mental energy to deal with every day tasks and I spend more hours at work. I even started dealing with everything that I got behind with during the last few years. It's a whole new me and I love it!" Lucyna, Interpreter - London "I suffered with Migraines all my life, and was constantly looking out for the signs in an attempt to manage them. After only one session of working with Lisa they are no longer and issue for me, in fact I don`t even think about them!" Michelle, Life Coach - London "I had suffered with a painful knee whilst running for many years and doctors could not identify a medical cause for the pain. It had got so bad that I gave up running completely, I was gutted. However working with Lisa has completely turned this around. Just like magic my knee feels strong, healthy and comfortable and I am running now several times a week with ease! Thank you Lisa for all you have done, I couldn't recommend you highly enough!" Kate, Life Coach - Staffordshire
Tel: 7977121260
Simply Divine Hair

Simply Divine Hair

Simply Divine Hair is a small boutique hair salon which is located within the Congleton Complementary & Alternative Medical Centre, 9 West Street, Congleton, Cheshire, run by myself Jennifer. Balancing an individual and luxury service with affordability we offer a bespoke service of cutting, colouring, styling and occasion hair tailored to your individual needs. To book your appointment please contact Jenny at 0780726883.
Tel: 7807268334
Wendy's pet salon

Wendy's pet salon

pet salon in warrington evening mobile grooming in congleton
Tel: 7752156591
Cj robins aerials

Cj robins aerials

railway cottages , Congleton ,
Aerial Installation and Upgrades: Macclesfield / Congleton / Alsager / N. Staffordshire C J Robins Aerials have over 25 years experience installing aerials, satellite systems and FM/DAB radio aerials. We also provide a design and installation service for Integrated Reception Systems (IRS) - providing aerial and satellite signals through a single coaxial cable for apartments and hotels. We offer an installation service, whether its just setting up your TV or installing it on a wall and hiding all the cables we are able to help. We even show you how to get the best out of your new purchase. C J Robins are also suppliers and installers of the Sonos Music system, which allows you to stream music to different rooms in your house.
Uk Garden Buildings Ltd

Uk Garden Buildings Ltd

Sheds, summerhouses, greenhouses, log cabbins and garages.
Tel: 1260299524
Spotlights Glee Club

Spotlights Glee Club

Astbury Village Hall, Congleton ,
If you love singing and dancing Spotlights Glee Club is the place to be! We will be holding weekly term-time classes every Monday evenings at Astbury Village Hall in Congleton and Wednesday evenings at Morton Community Hall in Macclesfield Congleton Classes 5-7 year olds at 4.15pm to 5.00pm 8-11 year olds at 5.00pm to 5.45pm 12-16 year olds at 5.45pm to 6.30pm Only £4 each. Macclesfield Classes 5-7 year olds at 4.15pm to 5.00pm 8-11 year olds at 5.00pm - 5.45pm Only £5 each. Keep checking our Facebook page for more details!
Eaton Bank Academy

Eaton Bank Academy

Jackson Road, Congleton ,
Eaton Bank Academy is a dynamic and progressive school serving a wide catchment area covering approximately half of the town of Congleton and surrounding areas.
Woodlands Day Nursery

Woodlands Day Nursery

We are a Private day nursery in Congleton, opening time 8-6
Tel: 1260279429