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Holyhead Harpies

Holyhead Harpies

The Holyhead Harpies is a very old Welsh club (founded 1203) unique among Quidditch teams around the world because it has only ever hired witches. Harpy robes are dark green with a golden talon upon the chest. The Harpies' defeat of the Heidelberg Harriers in 1953 is widely agreeed to have been one of the finest Quidditch games ever seen. Fought over a seven-day period, the game was brought to an end by a spectacular Snitch capture by the Harpy Seeker Glynnis Griffiths. ~ Kennilworthy Whisp, author of Quidditch Through The Ages You can contact the admins any time, any day at or by personal message via Timeline. Please don't hesitate to contact us; we love getting feedback. We do our best to refrain from profanity, but sometimes we let something little slip. We expect our fans to be mature enough to handle that. See AWARDS for the current score board between Quidditch positions (points can be earned by your position through quizzes, caption contests, etc.). UPDATE: Bane uses plenty of profanity, so beware of him. His mouth is fouler than Snape's hair. *DISCLAIMER* Yes, we occasionally post Twilight hating pictures and statuses. Rest assured that anyone who posts about it, especially Bane, has, for the sake of his sister's and girlfriend's wishes, read all the books and seen all the movies. We don't mean to offend you if you like it, and we don't hate Harry Potter fans who like Twilight too. It's just a little too easy to make fun of. If you don't like don't like it, leave a defensive message & we can have a healthy argument via email (see contact info). *DISCLAIMER* Like most pages, not everything is original. We get stuff, especially pictures, off Tumblr, MLIA, DBPB, Blogspot, and other pages. We do not edit out watermarks so that we can give as much credit as possible, but we will not personally note credits for every post that isn't original. That would take forever, because we don't know if you noticed, but the internet is pretty big. Also, lots of things are indeed original, but we usually don't add a watermark. Feel free to save anything off this page that you like or use it elsewhere. REGARDING PROMOS: We really don't like doing too many promos. This isn't because we think we're better than you, it's because we care about the quality of the page for our fans. No one likes a page that's 90% promos and 10% good material. Every week on Monday (US CST) we will do ONE PROMO OF OUR CHOOSING. Otherwise, there will be no promos. Exceptions: 1. We feel incredibly generous/ happy, in which case you got lucky. 2. We know your page well or you have helped us out. 3. If your page has a lot of likes and it's a mutual benefit. 4. Your page is so great that we can't wait until Monday (good luck with that). The pages we mostly promo are the ones who have quality stuff and don't spam their fans with promos. You are welcome to write on our wall asking us to see look at your page, but we will not promo for promo. We feel this is the most fair way for us, other pages, and, most importantly, our fans.