Business and Personal web pages from United Kingdom (UK) Search result

Naturesbase School Camps

Naturesbase School Camps

Tyngwndwn Farm, Lampeter ,
We have created what we and many schools believe to be one of the most inspirational residential camping environments for schools providing unparalleled learning experiences for every child who comes to stay.
Confucius Institute at Trinity Saint David

Confucius Institute at Trinity Saint David

27 College Street, Lampeter ,
Located at the University of Wales Trinity Saint David Lampeter Campus, and soon to have a presence on the Carmarthen Campus, Wales’ first Confucius Institute has made a definite mark on the provision of Chinese language and culture in Welsh schools since its inception just over three years ago.
Chinese Studies at Trinity Saint David

Chinese Studies at Trinity Saint David

27 College Street, Lampeter ,
The only Chinese Studies Department in Wales.
Religion@Trinity Saint David

Religion@Trinity Saint David

School of Theology, Religious Studies and Islamic Studies, University of Wales Trinity Saint David, Lampeter ,
Students from Wales and around the world are choosing to study at University of Wales Trinity Saint David’s prestigious new School of Theology, Religious Studies and Islamic Studies (TRIS). This new school, the outcome of a historic merger between Trinity University College, Carmarthen and the University of Wales, Lampeter, has resulted in one of the largest and most distinguished schools in the United Kingdom. Meeting the growing demand for provision at every level of the higher education world, students can find a wealth of undergraduate courses, postgraduate diplomas, certificates, MAs, MPhil and PhD opportunities in a number of areas. Single Honours BA degrees are offered in Theology, Religious Studies, Islamic Studies and Islamic Studies and Arabic*. The School also offers a Bachelor of Divinity (BD). There are many options for Joint Honours degrees, for example in Theology and Philosophy and Religious Studies and Anthropology. Numerous MA courses include Celtic Christianity, World's Religions, Theology, Islamic Studies, Ministry, Indian Religions, Religious Experience…and more. Visit for full details.
Wales Anthropology Day

Wales Anthropology Day

University of Wales, Lampeter, Lampeter ,
Wales Anthropology Day 2009 is happening on Friday, June 19 at the University of Wales, Lampeter.
Medieval Studies University of Wales Trinity Saint David

Medieval Studies University of Wales Trinity Saint David

Medieval Studies is an interdisciplinary degree at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels that explores all aspects of the medieval world.
English and Creative Writing at Trinity Saint David University

English and Creative Writing at Trinity Saint David University

School of Cultuiral Studies, Trinity Saint Divid University, Lampeter ,
The University has a long and distinguished tradition of the teaching of English and Creative Writing. The University's first Professor of English was appointed over a century ago; and we were also one of the first University's to offer Creative Writing at undergraduate and post-graduate level in the UK from the mid 1990s. We are also one of the few Universities to offer specialist TEFL training as an optional pathway on our degrees. As part of the recently created School of Cultural Studies, based on the Lampeter campus of Trinity Saint David University, the staff team includes expertise in textual scholarship and in such areas as Medieval, Early Modern studies, Romanticism, Contemporary Literature and Welsh Writing in English. The School is home to the Centre for Creative Writing whose staff includes prize winning and acclaimed authors such as Dic Edwards, Menna Elfyn and Samantha Wynne- Rhydderch all of whom take a full and active role in the teaching of creative writing at all levels. The staff and students also make use of the Roderic Bowen Library which holds over 35,000 rare books manuscripts and first editions. Our size means that we are able to offer a diverse range of approaches to teaching. As well as lectures, you will take part in small scale seminar, tutorial and workshop sessions where you will be able to develop a full range of analytical, critical and creative skills. Our courses have been designed to be both academically and creatively challenging and rewarding and to give students the best possible employment opportunities, through the use of a range of traditional and non-traditional modules and assessment methods. Our employability rate of over 80% (excluding students who go no to further study) is one of the highest in the country.
Meithrinfa Dydd Gwdihws Day Nursery

Meithrinfa Dydd Gwdihws Day Nursery

Trinity Saint David Students Union, University of Wales : Trinity Saint David, Lampeter ,
DATGANIAD O FWRIAD Fe hoffai Gwdihŵs eich croesawu chi a’ch plentyn/plant. Nod Gwdihŵs yw darparu amgylchedd hapus, iach a diogel lle y gall plant fwynhau a dysgu trwy chwarae. Ceir awyrgylch cynnes, gofalgar a chroesawgar lle y gall plant, staff a rhieni deimlo’n ddiogel. Mae Gwdihws yn braich gwasanaeth i undeb y myfyrwyr y Drindod Dewi Sant ac 'nid er elw' rydym yn anelu i godi fforddiadwy, hygyrch a ffioedd i adennill costau ar ddiwedd pob blwyddyn. Rydym hefyd yn cydnabod y gwerth ein staff ac yn talu cyfraddau cyflog rhesymol ac yn darparu termau yn dda iawn ac amodau cyflogaeth Mae penderfyniadau ynglŷn â datblygiad strategol Gwdihŵs yn cael eu gwneud gan y Bwrdd Ymddiriedolwyr TSDSU sydd yn cynnwys myfyrwyr, swyddogion etholedig ac ymgynghorwyr allanol. Mae'r bwrdd yn croesawu mewnbwn gan y staff a'r rhieni ynghylch cyfeiriad dyfodol y feithrinfa. Yng Ngwdihŵs rydym yn cynnig gofal plant amser llawn neu ran amser o adeg geni i bedair blwydd oed yn ogystal â sesiynau Mudiad Ysgolion Meithrin. Mae’r Feithrinfa’n cynnwys gwahanol adrannau, bob un yn addas ar gyfer y grŵp oedran sy’n ei defnyddio. Anogwn rieni i ymweld â Gwdihŵs gyda’u plentyn/plant cyn amled â phosibl cyn iddynt ddechrau yn y Feithrinfa. Gallwn ddarparu ar gyfer 30 o blant. Dylid nodi bod croeso i fabanod o adeg eu geni ond dylid cofio na fyddant wedi derbyn eu brechiadau cyffredin hyd oni fyddant yn 8 wythnos oed. Yn Gwdihŵs mae gennym gwasanaeth casglu o Ysgol Ffynnonbedr, Llanbedr Pont Steffan am 11.45am, Ysgol Carreg Hirfaen, Cwmann am 12.00pm ac Ysgol y Dderi, Llangybi am 1.00pm ar gyfer plant sy'n mynychu'r ysgol ar sail ran-amser. I blant dros 3 sy’n mynychu’r ysgol yn rhan amser neu amser llawn mae gennym Glwb Ar Ôl Ysgol bum niwrnod yr wythnos, a gwasanaeth casglu o’r ysgol ar gyfer y grŵp hwn am 3 o’r gloch. Yn ystod y gwyliau rhedwn clwb gwyliau i blant rhwng 3 ac 11 oed. Unwaith eto os ydynt yn mynychu’r ysgol yn llawn amser bydd croeso iddynt fynychu’r Cynllun Chwarae hefyd. Fel cyflwyniad i’r Cynllun Chwarae cynigiwn ddiwrnodau ymgartrefu iddynt yn ystod y tymor cyn iddyn nhw ddechrau’n llawn amser yn yr ysgol. Mae Meithrinfa Gwdihŵs yn feithrinfa bwrpasol a agorodd ym 1996. Mae wedi’i lleoli ar gampws Prifysgol Cymru Llanbedr Pont Steffan. Yn ogystal â chyfleusterau dan do helaeth, a rennir yn wahanol adrannau ar gyfer gwahanol grwpiau oedran a gweithgareddau, mae gennym ardd a man chwarae sydd hefyd wedi’u rhannu’n adrannau yn ôl oedran y plant ac wedi’u cyfarparu’n ddymunol. Awn ati’n weithredol i annog chwarae awyr agored ym mhob tywydd, cyhyd â bod y plant wedi gwisgo’n briodol, a manteisiwn ar gampws bendigedig y Brifysgol i fynd â nhw am dro pryd bynnag y bo’n bosibl. Yng Ngwdihŵs bydd y plant yn cymryd rhan mewn amrywiaeth eang o weithgareddau cyffrous ac addysgol, yn yr awyr agored a than do, a bydd hyn yn hybu’u cynnydd ym mhob agwedd ar eu datblygiad gan roi sylw, ar yr un pryd, i’w hanghenion unigol. Mae Llambed, gan mwyaf, yn ardal Gymraeg ei hiaith ac mae Gwdihŵs yn rhoi pwyslais mawr ar ddefnyddio’r Gymraeg a’r Saesneg yn ei weithgareddau. Mae Gwdihŵs hefyd yn aelod o’r Mudiad Ysgolion Meithrin ac yn cynnal sesiynau wedi’u cysegru’n unswydd i weithgaredd y Mudiad rhwng 9.00 a 11.30yb, Ddydd Llun i Ddydd Gwener. Mae’r rhan fwyaf o’r staff yn rhugl yn y Gymraeg a gallant gefnogi a chynorthwyo’ch plentyn mewn ffordd naturiol mewn unrhyw weithgareddau ieithyddol. Rydym wedi ennill Gwobr Cylch Rhagorol y Mudiad ers rhai blynyddoedd bellach, wedi cyflawni gofynion Estyn ac yn cael archwiliad blynyddol gan AGGCC. Mae Gwdihŵs yn croesawu plant ag anghenion arbennig a chyd-gysylltwn yn agos â rhieni a’r Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol i sicrhau bod anghenion y plentyn yn cael eu diwallu hyd eithaf ein gallu. Yng Ngwdihŵs mae gennym staff llawn amser a rhan-amser sydd, i gyd, yn meddu ar gymwysterau gofal plant ac wedi ymgymryd â’r hyfforddiant angenrheidiol mewn meysydd eraill megis Cymorth Cyntaf, Amddiffyn Plant, Glendid Bwyd ac ati sy’n ofynnol gan Arolygiaeth Gofal Cymru a Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol.(AGGCC). Mae pob aelod o staff wedi eu gwirio gan y Biwro Cofnodion Troseddol. Cawn arolwg blynyddol gan Arolygiaeth Safonau Gofal Cymru (AGGCC) ac mae copi o adroddiad yr arolygwyr ar gael i unrhyw riant a ofynno amdano. Os oes gennych sylwadau neu gwestiynau ynglŷn ag unrhyw beth, mae croeso ichi holi Rheolwraig y Feithrinfa, Mrs Allana Silvestri - Jones, neu’r Ddirprwy Reolwraig, Mrs Angela Evans ar 01570 423426. Ein cyfeiriad yw: Meithrinfa Gwdihŵs, Prifysgol Cymru Llanbedr Pont Steffan, Ceredigion, SA48 7ED. STATEMENT OF PURPOSE Gwdihŵs would like to welcome you and your child/children. Gwdihŵs aims to provide a happy, healthy and safe environment where children can have fun and learn through play. There’s a warm and caring atmosphere in which children, staff and parents can all feel welcome and secure. Gwdihws is a service arm of Trinity Saint David Students’ Union and ‘not for profit’ organisation we aim to charge affordable, accessible fees and to breakeven at the end of each year. We also recognise the value of our staff and pay reasonable rates of pay and provide very good terms and conditions of employment. Decisions regarding the strategic development of Gwdihŵs are undertaken by the TSDSU Trustee Board consisting of students, elected officers and external advisors. The board welcomes input from both staff and parents as to the future direction of the nursery. At Gwdihŵs we offer full or part time childcare from birth to four years as well as sessions of Mudiad Meithrin. The Nursery is made up of different sections, each one suitable for the age group using it. We encourage parents to visit with their child / ren prior to starting at the nursery as often as is possible. We can cater for a maximum of 30 children. Babies are welcome from birth but please note that they would not have received their routine immunisation until they are 8 weeks old. At Gwdihŵs we also have a school collection service from Ffynnonbedr, Lampeter at 11.45am, Ysgol Carreg Hirfaen, Cwmann at 12.00pm and Ysgol y Dderi, Llangybi at 1.00pm for children attending school on a part-time basis. For children over 3 and in full or part time school, we have an After School Club which runs five days a week and a school collection service from Ffynnonbedr is in operation for this group at 3.00p.m. During the holidays we run a Holiday Club for children aged between 3-11 years. Again if they are in full-time education, they are welcome on the Club. As an introduction to the Club, in the term before they start full-time school we offer ‘settling in’ days. Gwdihŵs Nursery is a purpose built nursery which first opened in 1996 and is based in the grounds of the University. As well as spacious indoor facility we have a well equipped garden and play area, which is also sectioned according to age groups. We actively encourage play in the outdoors in all weathers, as long as the children are suitably clothed, and we take advantage of the wonderful grounds of the University campus to take the children on walks whenever possible. At Gwdihŵs the children will engage in a wide variety of stimulating and educational activities, both indoor and outside, which enables progress in all areas of their development whilst paying attention to their individual needs. Lampeter is a predominantly Welsh speaking area and Gwdihŵs lays great emphasis on the use of both the Welsh and English languages in all activities. Gwdihŵs is also a member of Mudiad Meithrin, the Welsh medium nursery group and runs dedicated Mudiad sessions between 9.00 – 11.30 a.m., Monday to Friday. The majority of the staff at Gwdihŵs are fluent Welsh speakers and they can support and assist your child effectively and naturally in any language led activities. For the last few years we have achieved M.Y.M. Cylch Rhagorol (Group of Excellence) award, ESTYN and are inspected by CSSIW annually. Inspection reports can be found on the ESTYN and CSSIW websites. Gwdihŵs welcomes children with special educational needs and we liaise closely with parents and the relevant agencies to ensure that the needs of the child are met to the best of our ability. At Gwdihŵs we have full and part time staff, all of which are qualified in childcare and have undergone the necessary training in other areas such as First Aid, Child Protection and Food Hygiene, all of which are required by CSSIW. All staff are also CRB checked. In your Parents Handbook you will find all our Policies and Procedures. If you have any comments or queries about anything then please do not hesitate to ask Mrs Allana Silvestri–Jones, Nursery Manager or Mrs Angela Evans, Deputy Manager on 01570 423426. Our address is: Gwdihws Nursery, Trinity Saint David Student Union, University of Wales Trinity Saint David, Lampeter. SA48 7ED. E mail :
Lampeter Life

Lampeter Life

Market Street, Lampeter ,
Lampeter Life is a satellite community page by West Life - the premier lifestyle magazine for West Wales.