Business and Personal web pages from United Kingdom (UK) Search result

Hillsborough Family Support Group

Hillsborough Family Support Group

c/o Anfield Sports and Community Centre, Lower Breck Road, Liverpool ,
Following the Hillsborough tragedy of 15 April 1989, founder members decided to try to get in touch with all the bereaved families. The first meeting was held soon after and the group formally structured with a committee etc in July 1989.
Official Hillsborough Justice Campaign

Official Hillsborough Justice Campaign

PO Box 1089, 178 Walton Breck Road, Liverpool ,
Official Facebook Page of the Hillsborough Justice Campaign. For orders, please email and we will send you an order form.

Liverpool "Scouse" Nationalists

Address, Liverpool ,
The Liverpool "Scouse" Nationalists are a division of united nationalists from various Nationalist political and street movement affiliations and we are a grass roots street pressure movement who represent every walk of life from the working class to middle England. Our unity is our strength. We have members that represent our culturally rich, “patriotic” and nation-loving populace. People who can see the threat of Islam, Cultural Marxism and the "left" for what it is and what they are , a vile and virulent ideology based on 7th century barbarity, intolerance, hatred, subjugation and war. Liverpool Nationalist members recognise that this threat is one that must be stopped at all costs. Our Christian friends all have tales to tell with regard to Islamic Imperialism and “Orthodox Teachings”, in particular the Wahhabi/Salafi doctrine of “killing unbelievers if they refuse to be subdued by Islam”. As the Quran points out in Surah 5 verse 33....... “The punishment of those who wage war against Allah and His Messenger, and strive with might and main for mischief through the land is: execution, or crucifixion, or the cutting off of hands and feet from opposite sides, or exile from the land: that is their disgrace in this world, and a heavy punishment is theirs in the Hereafter” Of course this all depends on the context of what “waging war” entails, and of course what constitutes “mischief in the land”. Well, to Islamists, the very notion of not believing in Allah means that you should be punished, as that is considered an act of war, an act of mischief that should be duly punished as Allah ordains clearly here in this verse. As a movement we recognise Islam is a hate filled religion, we respect their right to practice their religion peacefully as long as it does not infringe on our culture, our way of life, our rule of law and our customs. If any non-Muslim was to visit a Muslim country then that person would be expected to respect their rule of law, their culture and their way of life. Who could disagree with that? What we don’t agree with are Muslims trying to import a doctrine of hate, intolerance and murder into this country, and trying to promote it and institutionalise it through unregulated Mosques, funded by Wahhabist petro dollars. We also don't agree with the stealthy introduction of Sharia into our legal system. This Islamic legal system persecutes women to the mere status of a man's “property”. It does not recognise marital rape, it does not recognise gay rights, it does not recognise many factors contained in the Universal Declaration Of Human Rights. We have had enough, why should anyone tolerate intolerance? We never set out to discriminate against Muslims it was set up to preserve our race, religion, culture and traditions. To protect our women and children from the future dangers of Islam. And to put pressure on the government and local councils to eradicate the two tier system were forced to live under. We don't want to exist, we want to live free and proud of our race. You'd never ask a black person if they were proud of their skin then call them a racist so why should the white race suffer persecution. We get asked many times by many different organisations and many different people what the reasons are for the Nationalists existence? What are our goals, and aspirations? We exist simply to pursue and extinguish an Islamist scourge, a scourge that has been left to fester and multiply like a malignant social cancer, with little intervention from our government who are at best apathetic, and are, at worst, willingly blind to the threat of Islam. When Anjem Choudary and his jihadist cohorts shouted abuse at our soldiers returning home from Iraq the united people of Britain took a stand against them. It was from that point onwards that the British people united for one cause: to highlight the danger of appeasing those who wish us harm, those who happily take from our welfare system, yet hate our country, our people and way of life. If it were not for the inaction of the government in dealing properly with this form of Islamic fascism, there would be no need for pressure groups such as The English Defence League, Combined Ex Forces, Welsh Defence League, Scottish Defence League, North West Infidels and or any other Nationalist pressure group to counter this threat on the streets and on-line. Appeasing those who follow an ideology of hatred, murder and intolerance hardly enhances “community cohesion”, it destroys it. Our movement is purely set up to pressure whatever government we have in power to deal with this menace and undo all the damage caused by apathy and appeasement. We oppose the introduction of MarxistSocialism, Communism and Sharia Law into our legal system because Sharia Law allows a husband to “beat” his wife and have sex with his own children. Is that acceptable behaviour in the 21st century we ask? We oppose the building of any more Mosques. Current Mosques must be regulated properly, current Imams vetted for their suitability, and current mosque attendees monitored for any radical inclination. The change has to start within the Muslim community's, but that is proving very hard when Saudi petro dollars are funding a “fundamental” interpretation of Islam within the United Kingdom Of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. We want our country back! We are wrongly painted as racists, Nazis and Muslim-haters. This simply isn’t true. We do know that some groups have tried to cause trouble, and that some “agent provocateurs” have instigated trouble, groups such as, Antifa, UAF, their Communist sympathisers and anarchists. As a movement we have been attacked by the far left, we have had to endure a state sponsored smear campaign used against us from the onset by the state controlled political left wing elite media machine. Apparently we are Nazis because we love our country, because we have the backbone to stand firm in the face of Islamic adversity rather than ignore it, hoping it will go away. We set out our stall very early on, we are not racist, we embrace patriotism as something that transcends race & colour. A love for our country is not a crime, a love for freedom is not a crime, a love for our race is not a crime but a need for security and the removal of those who pose a threat is just common sense....... We laugh at all those who attack us for being “race traitors”, we mock those who call us “Nazis and racists” we are the Liverpool Nationalists, we are neither of those things, we never will be. Our aim and focus is to put pressure on whatever government is in power to deal effectively with this cancer. For far too long this government has ignored its people, now its people demand to be heard in this bastion of democracy. Freedom of speech shall prevail. Our government holds its people in contempt and we will not tolerate this any longer. Good governance is achieved by listening to the people and working for the people. We see nationalist members imprisoned for very “minor” offences, then thrown in jail only to be beaten by known Islamic terrorists gangs. It is as if the government want to intimidate us into silence. But we will not be intimidated, we will never surrender. We hear of people of all colours getting beaten up by Muslim gangs on the streets just because they are non-Muslim and our government turn a blind eye to this!!! We will open their eyes, we will make them listen, we won't accept anything less than concrete action that yields very visible results. They have got us into this mess so it is down to them to clean it up. Within Liverpool we have to deal with a high volume of the Marxist left, their demonstrations and their support of Muslims, Asylum and the illegal occupation of our country. Nationalists within the City are oppressed and treated like common criminals. The lefts numbers are ours tenfold, we simply can't compete for quantity but what we lack in quantity we make up in quality and unity and the apprent fear we strike into their weak and frail bodies. Only in Liverpool can several nationalists organisations put their differences to one side and unite to form a united nationalists mob, greater than that of many other areas of the Country. Only here the left concede the streets to the right. Within the cause you will make some life long friends. Friends you'll be happy to stand side by side with when you are front line and when your unity will amount to your survival. The cause will change your life and will awake you to the dangers of Islam and the Communist anti British Marxist left. If we could shrink the Earth's population to a village of precisely 100 people, with all existing human ratios remaining the same, it would look like this: There would be 61 Asians, 12 Europeans, 13 Africans, 9 would be from South America and the Caribbean, and 5 from North America including Canada. 75 would be non-white, while 25 would be white. So, why are we called racists for wishing to preserve our race, a Muslim isn't a racist for forcing their Religion on others. A black person isn't racist for being proud of their skin, so why opress the people proud of their white skin? An Asylum seeker in this country can claim benifits up to £29,900 per year, while an elderly person who has contributed to the wealth, security and safety of the UK and us all for past generations in only entitled to £6,000, fair? We don't think so either. Join the cause, fight the revolution, preserve your proud race, stand in the face of scrutiny, keep the faith and never ever surrender.
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