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Love Social (Under 18's Clubbing) Luton

Love Social (Under 18's Clubbing) Luton

Welcome to the brand new page for Love Social, the biggest provider of Under 18's clubbing in the UK. With over 40 venues supporting us we provide the freshest entertainment on the streets at the moment in a safe and secure environment for Under 18's. General Policies for Love Social Event As part of Luminar’s commitment to offering quality entertainment to 13 – 17 year olds in a safe and friendly environment we take the following steps: We will ensure that: - entry is in accordance with our Admission Policy and the age restrictions are strictly adhered to. - Love Social Events are only for people who are 13 to 17 years old. Any person wishing to gain entrance into a Love Social Event is asked to produce appropriate photo ID; - only soft drinks are on sale; - no alcohol branding is displayed and that no alcohol is sold or dispensed at any Love Social Event; - cigarette machines are disabled, turned around and that smoking is prohibited at any Love Social Event; - all gaming machines are switched off and turned around for the duration at any Love Social Event; - all Venues inform the local police that they are operating a Love Social Event; - all companies with which we contract to provide door security services will only provide door supervisors who are Security Industry Association (“SIA”) registered. In addition all such companies are obliged to comply with our service level standards and codes of conduct; - there will be appropriately qualified First Aiders at each Event and that each Venue will have a designated First Aid area; - all Venues will have the Love Social search policy on display or available on request. We reserve the right to carry out searches of customers attending these Events. Searches will usually take place on the door and are primarily undertaken to prevent weapons, alcohol and illegal substances being brought into any Venue. Any persons that refuse to be searched are not permitted to attend any Love Social Event. Searches will be conducted in accordance with an approved searching policy; - should we have to refuse entry to any person or ask an attendee to leave a Love Social Event for any reason, including, without limitation, inappropriate behaviour, we will advise our Designated Child Protection Officer. We will take all reasonable steps to ensure that any such person will be supervised by the staff at the Venue until their parents/guardians - other than in exceptional circumstances only persons who are employed to work at or supervise the Event will be present at the Venue. We do not permit any customer over the age of 18 to these Events although we are committed to liaising openly with parents and carers. Code of Conduct for Staff Policy for Love Social Events Those working at Love Social Events will: - treat all young people with respect and dignity; - ensure that the welfare and safety of customers is paramount at all times; - always act in a professional way; - not accept bullying, swearing or other disruptive behaviour from any customer; - liaise openly with parents and carers; - listen to, and act upon, any allegations or concerns of which they become aware in relation to young people attending our events; - should a difficulty occur with any Love Social customer, staff will avoid being alone with a young person at all times and should any such occasion arise, our Designated Child Protection Officer will be advised and asked to be present; and ensure our Events are fun and enjoyable. Child Protection Policy for Love Social Events We recognise that the welfare of young persons who attend our ukclubculture events isparamount and that we have a duty of care. We will do everything we can to provide a caring environment in order for young people to be able to enjoy the entertainment we offer and be safe at our events. We will: - treat all young people with respect; - have at our events a designated manager with child protection responsibilities. This manager will be called the ‘Designated Child Protection Officer’*; and - make all adults in our organisation aware of their responsibilities in regard to our customers and in particular that they are expected to share any concerns about the welfare of a child/young person with the Designated Child Protection Officer. *Our Designated Child Protection Officer is responsible for: - arranging training for all staff; - monitoring and recording concerns; - making referrals to authorities in the case of any complaint without delay; and - contacting the appropriate authorities to express their concerns, in circumstances where a young person has refused to remain within the safety of the venue and it is thought that the young person is vulnerable because of drug / alcohol use or emotional difficulties. Admissions Policies for Love Social Events Love Social is an entertainment Event which is only for persons who are 13 to 17 years old. Dress Policy at Love Social Events can be checked at www.Love and then select the relevant Venue. The dress policy is generally expected to be cool, funky and fresh. Love Social is opposed to the use of alcohol or cigarettes by persons in this age group and Luminar opposes the use of illegal drugs within our society. Upon admission to any Love Social Event appropriately trained and qualified door stewards will vet and search each person who wishes to attend. Any customer wishing to gain entrance into a Love Social Event is asked to produce appropriate photo ID. If the door stewards have any doubt regarding the legitimacy of the ID produced or the age of a customer they will not admit that person to the Venue. If the door stewards believe that a person wishing to enter the Venue may have used alcohol or an illegal substance they will either not admit that person to the Venue or they will take them to a Designated Area where they will be supervised until their parents/guardians and/or local authority are telephoned and arrive to collect them. If the door stewards have cause to search any person at or wishing to gain entrance to, any Love Social Event and during such search discover any alcohol, weapon or illegal substance these will be confiscated. LUMINAR’S MANAGEMENT RESERVE THE RIGHT TO REFUSE ADMISSION FOR ANY REASON AT ITS SOLE DISCRETION Smoking Policy for Love Social Events Love Social events are non smoking and therefore no customer is allowed to bring cigarettes, matches or lighters with them into our venues. We approach the issue of customers attending Love Social events trying to bring cigarettes with them in the way set out below:- Our starting point is to remember that it is integral to the success of Love Social events that we ensure that under 18s can enjoy an event which is held in a safe environment. It is necessary to remember this because many of the people who actually buy the tickets will be parents and they need confirmation and re-assurance that their children will be safe while at our venues. In many areas we request and receive the support of the local headmasters/teachers to distribute flyers at their schools. This support is more likely to be forthcoming if the Love Social events are cigarette free because the school is able to help promote something which is both fun and healthy. It is one of the unique selling points of Love Social that we provide a nightclub experience for under 18s in top venues, with great lighting, great effects, and especially great DJs and music. These events must be held without sale or consumption of alcohol or drugs and without cigarettes. Indeed the law has recently changed to prevent those who are under 18 buying tobacco products. To ensure that Love Social events are free of cigarettes we operate the following policies: 1. we make it absolutely clear on the tickets and booking forms and websites etc that cigarettes are not allowed at Love Social events for these venues. 2. when people buy a ticket they are agreeing to adhere to these terms and conditions of entry. 3. if they come to the venue and try to enter while in possession of cigarettes either they leave and dont come in, or, if they wish to come in, they dispose of their cigarettes and associated items. 4. the customer therefore makes a choice either to keep their cigarettes etc. and leave, or dispose of them and enter. 5. the choice is theirs, there is no question that we are confiscating them (as this could imply that we will return the cigarettes at the end of the evening - which we will not) 6. if the customer has chosen to throw them away all we need to do is to provide bin for them to throw them into so as to avoid littering.
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