Business and Personal web pages from United Kingdom (UK) Search result

The Victory Pub & Hereford Brewery

The Victory Pub & Hereford Brewery

88 St Owens Street, Hereford ,
Hereford Brewery produces exceptional real ales in Pins, casks or bottles. The Victory is a lively pub delivering excellent products at fantastic prices. It hosts a weekly quiz and regularly provides live music from a range of talented bands.
Haunted Hereford Investigation Team

Haunted Hereford Investigation Team

A well respected, professional and locally known Paranormal Team that investigates Herefordshire and the surrounding area. The group is a team of dedicated members that have a deep interest in the Paranormal field.
Tel: -
Hereford Pedicabs and Cargo

Hereford Pedicabs and Cargo

All over.., Hereford ,
Hereford Pedicabs Ltd is a sustainable, pedal powered, zero emission logistics service, keeping things simple and fun, honest and green. We provide three main services: Zero emission pedal powered taxis Zero emission pedal powered cargo vehicles Zero emission pedal powered trade waste recycling vehicles Since our launch in April 2007 we've had some great success, transporting thousands of people, moving hundreds of thousands of items of freight and recycling hundreds of tonnes of waste - all with no emissions. We make an annual saving of over 1000 tonnes of carbon for local businesses and authority. Our achievements have been recognised by the Prince's business awards who have badged us as one of the countries leading carbon positive micro businesses. We also picked up a Pride of Herefordshire award which was pretty cool.
Niknaks - Hereford

Niknaks - Hereford

..U Design-We paint ,Together we create a masterpiece as unique as you are . Any Glassware from a single tumbler to personalised wedding reception champagne flutes each personalised to match your colour scheme and bride & grooms name etc ,a WOW factor gift for each guest to remember your day ,up to 200 guests(ish) , birthdays,retirement,Divorce, new baby,Godparents ,bestman . DESIGNER GLASSWARE AT HIGH STREET PRICES :) Any Design from a design you already have to a personal design ,ie your Horse,Motorbike ,fav flower get the idea. I started Niknaks with the Princes Trust 12 years ago and although been hard at times have learned so much about myself and still love every piece i create :) I have 2 children ,a gorgeous grandson , 3 cats and a Horse . oh and a long term man (23 years so far woop) .
Funny side of hereford

Funny side of hereford

Church st, Hereford ,
Im a hereford lad born and bread iv lived both sides of the river,so believe iv seen some sites in our little safe haven.we all have our own problems and stories to tell but one thing for me is that getting me through all the bad times is to have a laugh.So lets not take things personally and see the funny side of hereford and life around us.So post me yor jokes or your thoughts for the day good or bad and i will share them with the rest off us,And we all have a giggle together.
Games Workshop: Hereford

Games Workshop: Hereford

40 Eign Gate, Hereford ,
Manager: Chris Merrick Regular Store Activities - -Hobby Help Sessions! -The 15 Minute Paint Splatter! -Monthly Painting Competition! -Getting Started Sunday! WHAT ARE... HOBBY HELP SESSIONS? Hobby Help Sessions are bookable activities you can do in store to help you with your hobby! What can you get help with? - Getting Started in the Hobby, Building and Painting your first models, playing your first games! - New Painting Techniques! Learn how to make your models look awesome - Modelling - Creating the perfect conversion and mastering the art of greenstuff! - Gaming - Write killer army lists and Learn how to get the most out of the new miniatures you add to your army! - A Helping hand building new models - ANYTHING you need help with! Just ask! CALL THE STORE TO BOOK YOUR SPACE NOW!
The Balloon Shop Hereford

The Balloon Shop Hereford

20B Commercial Road, Hereford ,
Professional Balloon Decorating for all occasions, open 5 days a week but available 7 days a week upon request, free delivery within Hereford City centre.


Hon Secretary Jacqueline Thomas Email: Website Contact Tel: 07927328320 We are a nonprofit making concern run by volunteers who give there
Tel: 7927328320
Cotswold Mini Hereford

Cotswold Mini Hereford

Roman Road, Hereford ,
New and Used MINI in Hereford
Polscy Chrzescijanie w Hereford/Polish Christians in Hereford

Polscy Chrzescijanie w Hereford/Polish Christians in Hereford

Commercial Road, Hereford, HR1 2BP, Hereford ,
Nie jesteśmy wspólnotą idealnych ludzi, ale doświadczyliśmy przemieniającej mocy Jezusa Chrystusa w naszym życiu i chcemy o tym opowiadać każdemu człowiekowi. To wszystko jest wynikiem tego, co również historia potwierdza, ofiary Chrystusa na krzyżu za nasze grzechy. Dlatego każde nasze nabożeństwo jest wyrażaniem wdzięczności Bogu za to, że dał swojego Syna i zachęceniem do podjęcia wyzwania aby zmieniać nasze życie. Jesteśmy społecznością narodzonych na nowo chrześcijan, którzy chcą pomagać innym odnaleźć drogę do wolności w Jezusie tak jak my sami mogliśmy ją odnaleźć.Wszystko w co wierzymy i praktykujemy wynika z nauki Pisma Świętego, staramy się żyć w zgodzie z jej przesłaniem. Nie ma człowieka, który nie mógłby uczestniczyć razem z nami w tym szukaniu i poznawaniu Boga, dlatego zapraszamy każdego, kto ma takie pragnienie.Jeśli chcesz wiedzieć więcej o życiu z Jezusem, o naszych spotkaniach i innych wydarzeniach, potrzebujesz rozmowy albo modlitwy nie wahaj się skontaktować z nami (telefonicznie, mailem albo zostaw wiadomość na Facebook). Nie jesteś sam.Jezus Cie kocha! Misja „Idąc i na cały świat, głoście ewangelię (dobrą nowinę) wszystkiemu stworzeniu. Kto uwierzy i ochrzczony zostanie, będzie zbawiony, ale kto nie uwierzy, będzie potępiony. A takie znaki będą towarzyszyły tym, którzy uwierzyli: w imieniu moim demony wyganiać będą, nowymi językami mówić będą, węże brać będą, a choćby coś trującego wypili, nie zaszkodzi im. Na chorych ręce kłaść będą, a ci wyzdrowieją. A gdy Pan Jezus to do nich powiedział, został wzięty w górę do nieba i usiadł po prawicy Boga. Oni zaś poszli wszędzie kazali (głosili), a Pan im pomagał i potwierdzał ich słowo znakami, które mu towarzyszyły.” (Ew. Marka, 16:15-20) „A Jezus przystąpiwszy, rzekł do nich te słowa: Dana mi jest wszelka moc na niebie i na ziemi. Idźcie tedy i czyńcie uczniami wszystkie narody, chrzcząc je w imię Ojca i Syna, i Ducha Świętego” (Ew. Mateusza, 28:18-20) Serdecznie zapraszamy na Polskie Nabożeństwa w każdą sobotę o godz.16.30 w Hereford Baptist Church, Commercial Road, HR1 2BP Hereford. Więcej informacji o innych spotkaniach modlitewnych i specjalnych wydarzeniach: Ania 07545 922472 albo e-mail: We're a Christian community of people who experienced the transforming power of Jesus Christ in our lives and we want to talk about it to everyone. It's all a result of the sacrifice of Christ on the cross for our sins. That is why each of our worship meetings is an expression of gratitude to God for this, that he gave his Son, and encouragement to take up the challenge to change our lives. We are born again Christians who want to help others find their way to freedom in Jesus just as we ourselves found it. All what we believe and practice is based on the teachings of Bible and we try to live in harmony with its message. We invite anyone who has desire to participate with us in the search for God and knowing Him more. If you want to know more about the life with Jesus, our meetings and other events or you need to talk or pray with someone do not hesitate to contact us. You are not alone. Jesus loves you! We invite you to Polish services every Saturday at 16:30 at Hereford Baptist Church, Commercial Road, Hereford HR1 2BP. For more information about other prayer meeting and special events or prayer requests call or write: Ania 07545 922472 or email:
Tel: 7545922472